“His inspiration is rooted from the western typography he was surrounded by during his adolescence. Being known for his landscapes, Nicholas incorporates elements of naturalistic surrealism, invoking serene and calming scenes. He uses his talents to create captivating gradients of color and unique dream-like imagery.”

Galerie Messine

Former Parkite adding his palette to the world’s visual-art community

His surrealist paintings have been purchased by collectors all over the globe and can be found in St. George and Chicago, as well as Florida, France and Canada. 

Last year during Miami Art Basel, one of the premier art shows in America, Grant sold three paintings — one through Kipton Cronkite, one of his art dealers from Los Angeles — and the other two, along with one from the world-renowned artist David Hockney, went to a client in Newport Beach, California, to a private collector.